8ml pure essential Lavender Oil


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The Lavender pure essential oil is one of the most versatile oils because it responds to the body’s particular need at the time! It is one of the few oils that you can actually place straight onto your skin without the need for carrier oil (ie almond or massage oil). It is great for helping you to relax and de-stress!
• Place a few drops on your pillow or a hanky to help you sleep
• Place some drops in a hot bath to help you relax and induce sleep.
• Had a stressful day that has given you a headache? Rub Lavender oil into your temples or place some on a hanky and breathe it in to ease the headache.
• It is a great balancer of the nervous and emotional system.
• As an antiseptic it is good for many skin complaints also.
• It is great for aching muscles, just rub into the sore spots and feel the aches ease!
• Place a few drops in water in a vapourizer to calm you down
• Can be used in a room spray to freshen up your rooms or used in a spray to freshen up your bed linen.
• Try adding a few drops to potpourri to enhance a lounge room or bedroom.
• Lavender oil is a natural ant-depressant.
• Good for putting on insect bites and wounds
• Can lower blood pressure in some people
• You can’t be without a bottle!!

Code 52.01